Are you ready for change?
Are you feeling stuck? Frustrated? Hurt?Overwhelmed? Let me help.
If you’re reading this…
Then you’re probably looking for help. I believe in the power of creating a safe space for you, your partner and/or your child to process and explore the intimate, the beautiful, the painful and messy pieces of our lives with authenticity, openness and without judgment.
Safe, Seen, Secure, & Soothed
I believe we were created to be in relationship with others. We desire to be known, to be special, and to belong. Tina Bryson and Daniel Siegel, co-authors of The Whole Brain Child and No Drama Discipline, have written about something they call “The 4 S’s.” With confidence I can say that everyone will experience more joyful connection and intimacy if they feel safe, secure, seen, and soothed.
“Being heard is so close to being loved that for the average person they are almost indistinguishable.”
—David Augsburger.